Botanix – A journal about plants and gardening

Botanix English Edition

Archive of the month: August 2009 (3 texty)

Mangoes of Indonesia

On the Borneo Island in Indonesia there are 34 Mango species (Mangifera) occurring naturally on the island. Many of these species are seriously in danger of extinction due to the rainforests’ deforestation. Some of Mango species, e.g. Kalimantan Mango (Mangifera casturi) is already extinct in the wild.

Some other perspective Mango trees from Borneo are for instance the Mangifera griffithi (known under the following local names: asem raba, and romian), Mangifera pajang (asem payang), Mangifera quadrifida (asem kipang) and Mangifera torquenda (asem putaran).

Thursday 20th August 2009 23:48 | print | Exotic plants, Tropical fruits

Growing Mango from seeds

You should sow freshly harvested seeds to get the best germination results. Soak the seeds in water with a temperature of around 20–25 °C for about 2–6 hours.

Thursday 20th August 2009 23:36 | print | Exotic plants, Tropical fruits

Kalimantan Mango, Kasturi (Mangifera casturi)

Kalimantan Mango (Mangifera casturi) or locally known as Kasturi is a tropical fruit tree about 10–30 m tall which is endemic to very small area around Banjarmasin in Southern Borneo (Indonesia). Nowadays it is extinct in the wild due to illegal logging. However, it is still often cultivated in this area due to its delicious fruits.

Thursday 20th August 2009 22:48 | print | Exotic plants, Tropical fruits

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