Botanix – A journal about plants and gardening

Botanix English Edition

Archive of the month: December 2014 (1 text)

15th Anniversary of KPR

It has been 15 years ago, since we have started doing our activities worldwide. Until now we have our members in every country of the world. Nearly. 2 countries are still missing – Antarctica and North Korea – but it is behind our power. Now we can say, unlike many other international companies, that our presence is really global. From the lowlands to the high mountains, from deserts to tropical forests, from the southern to northern hemisphere. Well, nearly everywhere.

Wednesday 24th December 2014 15:00 | print | KPR - Gardeners Club Slovakia

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About KPR

Logo of KPR - Gardeners Club Slovakia
KPR - Gardeners Club is an international gardener's organization. Read more...
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Category: All Buying seeds Coniferous Edible fruits Exotic plants Frost tolerant palms Growing substrate How to grow KPR - Gardeners Club Slovakia Language projects Lawn Mushrooms Palms Pests Tropical fruits Water and aquatic plants