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Category: All Buying seeds Coniferous Edible fruits Exotic plants Frost tolerant palms Growing substrate How to grow KPR - Gardeners Club Slovakia Language projects Lawn Mushrooms Palms Pests Tropical fruits Water and aquatic plants
Author: KPR
November (1)2022
August (1)2021
December (1)2014
December (1)2008
December (1)Category: Lawn
How to grow grass and the maintenance of lawn
What to do with mowed grass?
If you love a beautiful, low grass mat, you will certainly mow your lawn frequently. In the meantime, frequently mowed grass provides large quantities of grass of which you only have trouble. The majority of gardeners I know get rid of their grass with their household refuse. I can only shake my head in unbelief for people carelessly getting rid of the cheapest manure!
How to mow your lawn correctly?
It is necessary to mow your lawn correct in order to obtain a thick grass carpet. No conifer will look good with dying lawn surrounding it!
The planting of a new lawn
In Europe the best time for planting a new lawn or the planting of extra grass in an existing lawn is from May until June. If there is very little rain in the spring, July might be the best time to plant.
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Category: All Buying seeds Coniferous Edible fruits Exotic plants Frost tolerant palms Growing substrate How to grow KPR - Gardeners Club Slovakia Language projects Lawn Mushrooms Palms Pests Tropical fruits Water and aquatic plants