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Category: All Buying seeds Coniferous Edible fruits Exotic plants Frost tolerant palms Growing substrate How to grow KPR - Gardeners Club Slovakia Language projects Lawn Mushrooms Palms Pests Tropical fruits Water and aquatic plants
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December (1)Category: How to grow
Instructions on the growing of plants
Planting flower bulbs and seedlings
Take out the flower bulbs and seedlings that you have received by postal service out of the packaging, and let it stand in the shade for around 2–3 days. A second possibility is to plant them immediately and keep them in the shade for a few days so that they are not exposed to any direct sunlight.
Wednesday 10th November 2010 22:23 | print | How to grow
Chinese tea – Grow your own tea!

Before the end of the winter approaches, every gardener considers what will grow the coming season. Do you find it no more challenging to grow tomatoes, paprika and cucumber? Do you want something else? Something more exotic? What do you think of the idea to grow your own tea this year?!
Tuesday 2nd November 2010 15:02 | print | Exotic plants, How to grow
Parajubaea torallyi - Palma Chico, Bolivian mountain coconut
Parajubaea torallyi is a handsome hardy palm from South America. However, it is rarely cultivated by gardeners outside its natural habitat, Bolivia, due to its large seeds (which means high shipping costs).
Native to Bolivia, it grows in the dry and dusty, inter-Andean valleys in an altitude of 2700–3400 m above the sea. Therefore, this palm is the highest elevation palm species to occur anywhere in the world. The temperature rarely rises above 20 °C and night frosts are not rare in this altitude. The temperature often falls to as low as –7 °C during winter months (July and August) and the annual rainfall is only a mere 550 mm.
Thursday 7th May 2009 17:23 | print | Palms, How to grow
Indian Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera)

The Indian Lotus Flower
The Indian Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) is a beautiful aquatic plant
with pea green leaves that float on the top of the water surface. The pink
flowers are usually found on thick stems rising several centimeters above the
The Indian Lotus flower is held sacred and is used by the Buddhists during
religious ceremonies. The whole plant is fit for human consumption; although
mainly the seeds and the roots (rhizomes) are usually used in traditional
cuisine throughout Southeast Asia. The Indian Lotus is a paludal plant that can
be grown in the same way as growing the fragrant water lily. It is not difficult
to grow this plant in our conditions; one must only know how!
Friday 16th January 2009 14:02 | print | Water and aquatic plants, How to grow
About KPR

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Category: All Buying seeds Coniferous Edible fruits Exotic plants Frost tolerant palms Growing substrate How to grow KPR - Gardeners Club Slovakia Language projects Lawn Mushrooms Palms Pests Tropical fruits Water and aquatic plants