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Articles about the growing of exotic plants
Cherimoya (Annona cherimola)
Currently very interesting types of tropical fruits are being imported to Europe. I have succeeded in buying the fruit of the cherimoya and tasting it. It is not found in fruit shops but thanks to my own good taste, it will find its place there as well!
Wednesday 3rd November 2010 13:15 | print | Exotic plants
Chinese tea – Grow your own tea!
Before the end of the winter approaches, every gardener considers what will grow the coming season. Do you find it no more challenging to grow tomatoes, paprika and cucumber? Do you want something else? Something more exotic? What do you think of the idea to grow your own tea this year?!
Tuesday 2nd November 2010 15:02 | print | Exotic plants, How to grow
Tree Tobacco Nicotiana glauca – a balcony plant with perspective!
Tree Tobacco (Nicotiana glauca)
The human desire to something new, unusual and unconventional is limitless. Thus, gardeners also dream of cultivating something new in their gardens – something that nobody else has. The plant market therefore gives gardeners something new every year – to still the hunger of gardeners looking for something original to satisfy their needs. The commercial launching of new varieties will make the tree tobacco plant common to all gardeners very soon!
Monday 1st November 2010 14:46 | print | Exotic plants
Kiwano – Cucumis metuliferus
The Kiwano’s 10–15 cm long fruits look like oranges. It belongs to the cucumber family. The fruit has little horns on the peel and makes one think of a medieval weapon. The flesh of the fruit is green and usually contains many 5–10 mm long white seeds. When not ripe yet, the colour of the fruit is green.
Tuesday 8th June 2010 19:26 | print | Exotic plants
Welwitschia mirabilis – the cultivation of a living fossil
Welwitschia (Welwitschia mirabilis) is a primeval plant growing in a small area along the coastal region of the Atlantic Ocean in Namibia and Southern Angola. Welwitschia is actually a tree, although it does not seem like it at first glance. The whole plant consists of one short trunk out of which 2 leaves grow – these look like two huge curled ribbons with frayed, barren ends. Welwitschia sometimes looks like a heap of rubbish!
Saturday 22nd May 2010 22:40 | print | Exotic plants
Mangoes of Indonesia
On the Borneo Island in Indonesia there are 34 Mango species (Mangifera) occurring naturally on the island. Many of these species are seriously in danger of extinction due to the rainforests’ deforestation. Some of Mango species, e.g. Kalimantan Mango (Mangifera casturi) is already extinct in the wild.
Some other perspective Mango trees from Borneo are for instance the Mangifera griffithi (known under the following local names: asem raba, and romian), Mangifera pajang (asem payang), Mangifera quadrifida (asem kipang) and Mangifera torquenda (asem putaran).
Thursday 20th August 2009 23:48 | print | Exotic plants, Tropical fruits
Growing Mango from seeds
You should sow freshly harvested seeds to get the best germination results. Soak the seeds in water with a temperature of around 20–25 °C for about 2–6 hours.
Thursday 20th August 2009 23:36 | print | Exotic plants, Tropical fruits
Kalimantan Mango, Kasturi (Mangifera casturi)
Kalimantan Mango (Mangifera casturi) or locally known as Kasturi is a tropical fruit tree about 10–30 m tall which is endemic to very small area around Banjarmasin in Southern Borneo (Indonesia). Nowadays it is extinct in the wild due to illegal logging. However, it is still often cultivated in this area due to its delicious fruits.
Thursday 20th August 2009 22:48 | print | Exotic plants, Tropical fruits
The Indian Beech Tree Pongamia pinnata
Pongamia pinnata flowers
Indian Beech Tree Pongamia pinnata (other vernacular names: Honge Tree, Pongam Tree, Panigrahi) is a deciduous tree, about 15–25 meters tall, belonging to the family Fabaceae. It has a big top with many small flowers in white, pink or violet. Its origin is India, but is widely grown in South-East Asia.
Sunday 31st May 2009 12:48 | print | Exotic plants
Breadfruit Artocarpus odoratissimus, Marang
Genus Breadfruit (Artocarpus) consists of around 60 species of evergreen tropical trees from the family Moraceae (mulberry family or fig family). They occur in South East Asia and the islands of the Pacific Ocean. Breadfruit are closely related to the Ficus (fig trees). The most cultivated breadfruit is Artocarpus altilis (Kolo, Rimas). Several other species like Artocarpus communis, Artocarpus integer (Cempedak), Artocarpus heterophyllus (Jackfruit, Nangka, Langka) and Artocarpus odoratissimus (Marang) are part of the breadfruit family as well.
Saturday 30th May 2009 19:52 | print | Exotic plants, Tropical fruits
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Category: All Buying seeds Coniferous Edible fruits Exotic plants Frost tolerant palms Growing substrate How to grow KPR - Gardeners Club Slovakia Language projects Lawn Mushrooms Palms Pests Tropical fruits Water and aquatic plants