NOVODOR FC for fighting the Colorado potato beetle
I do not think I need to specially introduce the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) as everyone knows this enormous pest that is very damaging for the potato and is not possible to get rid of without the use of chemicals. In the meantime, nobody knows of any biological cures that could be used for the Colorado potato beetle.
Where does it come from?
Colorado potato beetle came from Northern America to Europe. There the beetle lives mainly on restricted scale in the Cordillera area where it feeds itself with the leaves of the wild potato. When men started to grow this type of potato (botanical name: Solanum tuberosum) on huge scale in America, Colorado potato beetle moved itself from the wild potato plant to the cultivated potato plant. Thanks to the potato, the Colorado potato beetle has spread itself all over the world.
NOVODOR FC – The Trojan horse of the third millennium?
Novodor FC contains 2% protein from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis ssp. tenebroinis. This bacteria race exclusively destroys larvae from the family Galerucinae (destroys trees like the ash tree, the alder tree and the willow) and the Colorado potato beetle.
This remedy causes sicknesses of the larvae of the mentioned type. After consuming the sprayed leaves, the larvae stops eating and after 2–5 days it dies from it. For other larvae this is not poisonous, it does not cause any permanent damage, not for the leaves or the soil itself. Larvae are thus only destroyed by this remedy when young and not in adulthood yet. It should only be used on the very young larvae.
In order to guarantee the effectiveness of this remedy, it is necessary for the larvae to eat intensively – it is thus also very important to spray the top and bottom of the leaves generously with the substance. It is best to spray this substance when there is no wind and at a temperature above 15 °C. If it has rained within 12 hours after it was sprayed, the treatment should be repeated.
This substance is being sold in small packages, in little glass bottles containing 100 ml and costs around 3 € only.
Another race of this bacterium destroys the larvae of the Cabbage Butterfly (Pieris brassicae) and Codling Moth (Cydia pomonella) (substance Biobit FC) and mosquitoes.
Finally the best news: the fruit (bulb) can be immediately eaten after spouting!
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