Indian Tree Hazel (Corylus jacquemontii) is found in oak forests of upper montane zones in the Western Himalayas. It is native to northern Afghanistan, northern Pakistan, northern India (Jammu-Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand) and Western part of Nepal.
It is named after French botanists Victor Jacquemont, who visited Himalayas in 1830.
Indian Tree Hazel (Corylus jacquemontii) is a tree about 15–25 m tall.
The nuts are edible, a little bit smaller than common hazel nuts (Corylus avellana). The nuts are harvested by local people in the forest and are sold on local market commonly known as Thangi or Thankoli. Other local names are Bhotiya Badam, Urmuni, Sharoli and Sharod. It is unknown outside of his native range.
Indian Tree Hazel (Corylus jacquemontii) is propagated by seeds, which you can buy here. Seedlings can be inoculated by truffle spores.
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